Wdym never mentioned before, there’s been like 500 suggestions about these.
Also Charybdis is a girl
As monsters.
And alright then
inferno already said this, so have I
we barely know anything about the lore and how the game is going to progress, so how are we going to come up with good bosses if we don’t even know how the story and lore will play out? it’s almost futile because we barely know anything about the story.
I suggested them as monsters and Humanoids actually. Upon droping below a certain point in hp they would take humanoid form
As I reminded him and others this means nothing. These bosses could easily be side quests and they are still working on the lore of if need be it can be fitted in. Nothing is ever futile besides giving up
Oh. Well that’s my bad.
Prometheus ez with 4 people smh, he just gets bugged while people are spamming ults.
I’m not reading all that but they seem sick asf so im voting
although the second theme doesnt seem like it’d fit, it’s way too calm and slow for a boss like this
we don’t even know the storyline, why are we suggesting bosses? it’s futile and plus, most of the lore isn’t even out for AO
man can we just wait for more context before we suggest more storyline npcs and bosses
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