His return is here (again)

the return
how do you even do that lmao mans is speedrunning termination at this point


please no

There is nothing we can do to stop it the end is drawing soon and the forums doomsday will shortly commence

Who is this guy?

Same question

I feel bad for all the people who had to deal with him.

wonder what’ll happen when they return

the forums will fall into chaos

We will all die when he sees this topic tommarow.

Tbh he’s probably forgot about this place

It’ll be funny if he hasn’t though

You have jinxed us all.


Wait in what timezone will he be unbanned at 6pm?

Oh right, when will they be back?

we have no clue but it does not matter, @user4 transcends both space and time allowing him to ignore all sleep

tomorrow at 6pm, but like I just said idk what timezone

That’s not why I asked but ok

isn’t today the 31st tho