Hollow knight and stuff

And orange juice all over your crossroads

went and did some more things

cheesed Hornet in kingdom’s edge with walls and got a bunch of shade attacks

currently fighting Nosk

god nosk is easy to cheese

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imagine needing to cheese

Well he kinda just easy overall

Rule 22


Defeated lost kin

He is really easy

I defeated the radiance

and then i defeated her again lmao


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and then i did it again

Did you used the “sword that ruins the fun hard enough to be funny”?

Pure nail?

literally just obtain skill, easy boss. The Lost Kin is just the harder better version of it and it’s still easy :yawning_face:

I already beat both mf

Pure nail
Unbreakable strengh
Quick slash
Mark of pride
And you get the sword that cuts EVERTHING

Ok this one surely used the funny sword

This is like complaining about the secret beam attacks from Super Metroid