Holy shit its happening



@sock you were caught slackin

I really hope this ambient volume slider affects weather because I’d like to fish in the dark sea without a headache

Oh now, that would disable a core feature! Never happening!

Vetex optimization update??? no way

this will be the greatest small update in the history of AO

Now people can stop crying

i want more optimization! ill cry on top of my textureless, colorless plastic!

the volume of weather? you can already turn it off with the sound effect slider, it’s just that that also turns off your fishing bobber sounds too.

Time to crank my render distance to 250% and then complain about optimization :100::100::100:


hell yeah

now if roblox would fix its issues too the game could finally run consistently for more than 20 minutes

lets gooooo
more optimization!

watch absolutely nothing happen to the game’s lag because it’s all roblox’s servers fault

nah, watch as another memory leak appears

No way optimisation
I’m gonna cry (I have no reason to since my PC runs AO smoothly)



(i can finally tab out while fishing and still be able to listen for my bobber)

ASKduhgzw8es7 yrgf sdjzxuchgb ukeu,dh Optimization update no way

optimization update really is happening… now if only updatable keybinds or something so people can switch their key to f or something…

probably not going to happen fr

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again it’s not really optimizing anything, removing textures does nearly nothing