How big do you guys think the Capitals for each current culture will be?

So, I’ve been wondering how big Westhall, New Alalea, Umber Keep, and Citrine Town will be.

I think westhall will be the smallest, Alalea will be a bit bigger then Westhall, and Umber Keep and Citrine town will be around the same size,
(I think Westhall will be like 2 times the size of ironport, and Umber Keep will be 4 times the size for scale.)

By the way, this can be in population or size of the city overall
What do you guys think? (I hope their all massive tbh, I can’t wait to see the MC headquarters too).

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I’d say they’ll be quite large…

I know some people think the current towns are pretty small, but that doesn’t really bother me.
I’d say if they were 2x the area of summer hold (that would be around 1.4x larger sides, if they are a square), I’d be happy with that.

Old Alalea size to maybe the size of Maindland

Probably around the size of 5 summerholds