How big is Ravenna? // Going to Texas

Deep fried mushrooms aren’t that bad though

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He is telling the truth, only us here in NY/ NJ do that :smiling_face:

deep fried butter on a stick

the stick is also deepfried

have you played ao? cause vetex said its the size of the shore

That was a rough estimate a while before he had actually built the island

4 Alaleas is bigger than the shore, and a tester said Ravenna was way bigger than 4 Alaleas

post screnshot

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pretty sure castlian is larger

i see

here in iowa we have to take precautionary measures to make sure we’re safe from ohio

You are two states away

too close for safety

keep nj out of this we dont do that

Bro i’ve been to NJ once they were selling fried Hersheys at this one shop :moyai:

this isnt actually true because to get to the real new jersey you have to find the hell portal hidden far down in the deepest caves of the earth, where you went was the fake new jersey

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Fake new jersey was invaded by Ohio so they had to flee to the center of the earth

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