How do curse users... have children?

unless im misremembering thing, im pretty sure their body is made out of complete energy or the element of their curse right?

then how did they have children

they can turn their body into energy. but they can still make themselves look normal so they can do the deed.

so they still have a physical form and not just pure energy at all time?

yeah pretty much.

They used to be unable to due to being energy, but Ig now they can go into their physical form and have normal body processes function like the heart beating or digestion


its possible for them to die from food poisoning

If they refuse to leave their physical form I guess so?

So I guess they can transform in and out of their elemental state whenever they want, allowing them to #### ####### #### #### #### ##### ####### ## #######.

use curse to form magic pp

and would their kids inheret the curses power too?, or would they get the magic version of their parents curse?



fragment of curse, like what Calvus had

Has it been established what the differences between “fragments of a curse”, and magic are?
Are fragments of a curse just… a more limited version of the curse (lessened ability to do stuff, probably unable to phase into the element at all)? Or are they less limited magic (less Energy-based limitations, possibly some ability to manipulate naturally occuring examples of elements)?

probably the first one, Calvus can only used the black blue explosion thing, and it didnt even deal any damage ( could just be gameplay wise, but maybe lore-wise it only have alot of knockback too )

so would a curse users nut be an element the curse user absorbed? so like morden has the death nut? i imagine he could switch between death nut and normal nut rite?

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Heat Based curses:

well calvus grandfather had children so probably not

Elemental Curse users dont just automatically shift into their curse upon being touched by anything other than magic and water, its manual.
If they are experienced enough, they can do it on reflex in fights though.

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