is it not
Atlantean Cernyx amulet (Armored)
Alantean Arcsphere 2 (Candelrias) (Powerful)
Theurgist Hat 2 (Candelrias) (Powerful
Theurgist Chest 2 (Candelrias) (Brisk)
Theurgist Leggings 2 (Candelrias) (Armored)
gives power, atk speed, and def but you lose agility
pretty much a dollar store version of my super expensive build
Dollar store version
yeah from what i can tell from the gear builder it’s pretty good, other than having to grind powerful scrolls…i wasted all of my legendary scales in an incident while i was fishing in the Dark Sea.
The build im using costs a ton
You can also replace Candelrias for Morencis BTW
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