How do I regain my foot after it has been replaced by a peg leg?

uhhhhhh magic

Tier 3 healing potions and above replaces lost limbs (granted you don’t see the character consuming it.) Just think of it as a gameplay function, because it’d be pretty annoying if you lost a leg for putting on some pirate pants.

Take off the boots

have you considered to stop wearing pirate captain pants.

press tab

Your character actually just keeps the detached foot in their inventory. When you de-equip the pirate peg leg, they re-attach it.


after all roblox characters are based off lego characters

you grow it back like a starfish

its impossible you are permanently disabled

robloxians are canonically like Lego people so I assume that it’s quite easy to unscrew one of your limbs and swap it out for something else

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We as Roblox characters are semi-amorphous humanoids capable of shifting the shape, color, and material of our bodies. This is a great example of that coming into play.

You actually ate your foot, so you will have to throw up, or take a dump, to get it back

Steal someone else’s


You heard me.

yeah, but where is the inventory?

interdimensional rift opens when you press ~ where you store all your items

It’s not shown to the player, as the foot falls into a special category which there is no filter option to display, hence it cannot be shown.

what if each pair of “pants” the player owns is just a completely new set of legs, and when we change em, we literally unscrew our torso and swap out our legs for something else.

same logic with our torso and our arms, how some armors have fingers and others don’t because they’re all completely different parts rather than clothing.

this “action figure” theory also explains how we can have 1 face on and never need to blink or close our mouth, as it’s sort of been “painted on”. this also explains how we can magically remove or add scars to our character if we want.


That’s more Roblox lore