How do magic and curses work, and how do they influence each other? Theories

I think it says that in the lore doc.

magic bar = atmospheric mana

1 spell takes part of bar

big brain

Bro imagine if vetex come to this topic and just says. No lol

ping him

That is ink bro

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Do you mean Skylians (WoM culture idea) or you telling me that skype devevolped into an entire race


I think user’s soul is just storage for raw energy, but… fightning style users and weapons users could manipulate their raw energy to use their skills, so they are use some kind of raw magic too, its not elemental. Its why they are can’t damage curse user, because curse user can be damaged only by elemental magic, not raw, because their body is element itself. That’s also explains why weapon’s skills creates white slashes on hit, maybe its raw energy itself? That’s also explain why non-magic users can become incredibly too strong for normal human. So this is how you can cast your magic by your soul.

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Oh, my mistake. Fixing that now.

Yeah. I was mixing them up with Skypieans in One Piece. Also fixing that now.

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