How do the forumers feel about other forumers?

What about me ur fav pvp apprentice :sob:?

I dislike arpee, optie, and hyper

Flare, fartman, dubious, sock, and realisticbanana (where has he been bro - edit: oh shoot he’s right there :arrow_up: :skull:) are freaky tl3s

Master Onion, electric, fridge, and dreamkeeper are pvp sweats :fire:

Nuclearman is the most civilized person on the forums

The artists are cool :sunglasses:

All the other forumers are usually pretty chill :+1:

not among the top 3 unfortunately


Top _ then?

idk i don’t have anything definitive aside from those 3

thats crazy

thats crazy considering you’re basically optie’s little brother and arpee’s big brother


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You mean the people you are most equated to?

:popcorn: Most of ya’ll are decent, some above, some below

Calling me a pvp sweat is like calling the kardashians fine human beings lmao

my top 3 forumers
everyone else sucks!

whos this me character and why are there 3 of them

i have opps unfortunately

soaring hawk

Im kinda like the dark mysterious figure of the forum B)

no you’re not you’re the guy who hangs out in the dark alleyway and says “hey… do you wanna buy femboy morden art…”

thats because I do it for free, NO CHARGE !

Someone actually noticed :sob:

yes someone did

That’s wild cuz are they?