How do the forumers feel about other forumers?

Some mfs here make me want to distort

Hi MrYesward


you had a Homestuck pfp I’m pretty sure you already did distort

no, this is why I think ur annoying

nice argument, small issue, you used “ur” so you aren’t allowed to have an opinion

Same, if you talk to me you’ll probably know which group you’re in

:broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

which group am I in :3

The third group (no opinion)

10,000+ comment superpower argument time

Tk still solos

i’ve been thinking about that but what if I just used a guy that controlled water and popped every single blood vessel in the TK users body

Sounds like you watered down tk and made a weaker version (pun intended) so this just supports my argument since tk can do that too and more :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face:

ok time for my cheese tactic

-become an antimeme user

-turn invisible

-grab a ribbed dagger (or any dagger really) laced with poison for good measure

-wait for telekinesis user to be standing around confused

-sneaky sneak

-london simulator


I could stretch the capabilities of telekinesis out to make them survive this but we never established specific limits
Ok no more derailing

Yea but if the invis user just stabbed them in the head you wouldn’t have enough time to react theoretically

So how do we feel about Mr. Hero-of-games?

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    • Strong disdain (1)
    • You irritate me (2)
    • Seems decent, I guess (3)
    • Actually tolerable (4)
    • I halfway enjoy yapping with you (5)
    • I’m sorry—who are you?
0 voters

where’s 4.44444444444 for “Bleep blorp schmeeble zop woop”

If you joined 2023 or later theres a 97% chance I don’t know you or have no opinion on you

how did i join before you