How do you feel about morden being leaked on wiki?

What’s with the random image of Sarada?

an expression.


I was so confused as well

Theos type beat

Idk if Vetex actually let it slide or just didn’t see Morden in the GIF (unlikely since he’s really visible)

man that’s one unique perspective of morden so far

What is with the random sarada
Edit: Nvm I’m slow

The legendary hobo, precious

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my little hobo man

It was on the forums first.
Plus leaks should be to generate hype (like snippets) rather than an entire thing.

Quick question was does this have 4 green but 6 replies wth?

Maybe morden is some random person who accidentally showed up with the next messa or something and he takes all of the credit and pretends to be the messa while we have to catch up to him.

Messa? Wym messa? Nah, he found us so he might be like someone who has a magical power of waking us up? Like the magical potentional. :slight_smile:


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Looks like the dude you see on the side of the street smoking, nothing too special about him I am quite fine with the leak.

personally annoyed that out of all places they could’ve taken the gif they just had to do it RIGHT NEXT to the only character they weren’t supposed to leak

i guess it’s not a major leak, but i had plans for it once he was officially revealed to the community

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