How in "the world" will art of infinity be implemented?

honestly it’s probably more like stopping objects like magical blasts in time or something. or a threshold of time stop that just stops things that enter it…

honestly i think it’s better to create little ‘walls’ of stopped time that basically stop everything from beams to blasts.

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I swear to god if “Chaos Control” isn’t a valid name for an Art of Infinity spell
I’m going to sue Vetex


art of infinity would probably involve a flight spell where your character turns into buzz lightyear.

But being serious it probably puts the opponent in some sort of state like an infinite death loop sort of thing from this show by lil bro watches but less extreme than a death loop.

bruh there’d better be a name for a spell called



idk maybe you will be able to clone items every 45 hours

nah that busted- ish

or maybe clone urself that u can control

i dunno if that has anything to do with time

like summoning an alternate version of you from another timeline? or a clone that mirrors your movements and spells

ehhh i dunno

It says it controls an objects status in time, so something like aging, reconstruction, stopping time, but the cool down for it would most likely be really really high

or the cost

all of the moves are probably gonna be ultimate moves

cuz if not art of infinity is gonna be way stronger than Promethean Flame

we’re pulling all the JoJo references today


(i stole it from funny valentine, dont ask)

Would be interesting to make it as a passive where if magic gets close to you it slows down. Like some jujutsu kaisen type shit

or maybe like an area of stopped time that only works on projectiles or for like a second or 1.5 seconds, 2 seconds

uh the first part reminds me of a vampire that’s vocubolary range is of 3 words (they are wryy muda and something else i forgot ;-; )
and the second part reminds me of a gay black priest

@anon50359812, you know what we do to necrobumpers



i’d assume like how it is in black clover, the way julius puts them in a bubble where time is completely stopped