How long will it take before fanart is made for sirens?

Sirens are just Harpies from D&D that can hide their wings and wear clothes.

I did it like a few weeks after the Sirens got posted to Patreon


harpies aren’t from d&d :skull: you the type of guy to think naruto is from fortnite

what the fuck is wrong with you

true they come from mythology. Harpies are just bird sirens anyways.

I mean.
Good work. She looks cool.

I’ll be posting some after I’m done with my current art project I wanna do, which should be less than a week from now

put this man down NOW


Sirens were depicted as womens with wings though

Ya’ll, get this reply to 3 likes and I’ll do a siren fanart and post it.

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Making another one rn :relieved::smirk:, and theyre gonna have MUSCLES


and Sirens have wings in AO.

Hey, I’d like to point out that I’ll soon be updating my gal’s design here so she’s more like her siren siblings :slight_smile:

I’d love to see fireinnerice make a come back and ask for something on the lines of “Draw iris in a siren revealing set”

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Ayo, nice!
I haven’t fought one in-game yet, though. So I’m missing out on Siren combat and their true forms :pensive:

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