How many users this forum have ? 💀

counting me, you and sock, i’d say that the total number of forumers is quite possibly over 3

Plot twist it’s only been Tech and Vetex

every day more and more brothers

This number + the people who haven’t liked anything

Tier list of 5.826 users

am i high up on it


you started to exist 3 seconds ago

fair enough

9.2k Accounts have signed up for the forums, I think this includes banned users and accounts that have never posted

multiply by ten and AO post release member count

If you ever want to see how many users there are currently, or close to it, you can go to Users and it’ll show you


Prolly at least 2.

Screenshot 2023-01-27 8.00.55 AM
there are 5827 users
Screenshot 2023-01-27 8.01.02 AM
1300 members. about an eighth are active.
and 87 regulars. each one is active in someway.

Idk how I am not regular , I am here every single day

go to the check up channel and ask for a check up

40,000+, I’m assuming.

DEFINITELY more than 0.

You need atleast 50 days visited out of the last 100 days, but you’ve only been here for 40. If you want more info like Shellseawing said, just go to here and ask for a checkup:

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