How old are you guys?

like 15 or something idk at this point

True but the average fourm users age is like 15-17 which I’m pretty sure their smart enough to know if someone is sus or not

yeah i think if a 15-17 year old is going to get groomed its going to be by a well known and respected member of the community


i am ERROR1 years old

69x5.7fortnights converted to years

A sequel

100,000 years old. Give or take.

Earlier it was birthdays, then someone asked for social security, now you guys want our ages.
This must be a plot by the FBI to gain my location I have now activated incognito mode.

my age is 289 divided by 17

Gl with this :/

Working 8 hours a day
Have kids who are failing school
Suffering a mid-life crisis
Not happy with my wife
I hate my work

close to 18

(jupiter is 3 ok)

douboomer yay

ex-lego game group owner

God i hope not

I have a 3 in math for a reason

Im 87 dog years old

Okay i think this is enough now, didnt think very well when making this, a mod or someone can close of they want to ( i doesnt know how sorry )