How to play conjurer?

I just stat resetted to lightning conj. I used to be a lightning and water mage. Please give me tips on how to be good at conjurer in pvp and pve.

Weapons I currently use:
Dense sunken sword
Tempered greenwich cultist staff
Ardent siren bow (I can’t use its skills but I don’t know what other weapon to use!)

Should I use different weapons or enchants? What about my gear and armor stats, what should I go for?

I appreciate any and all feedback.

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learn your abilities
as a conjurer, you should be able to use both weapons and magic in a fight and switch between them quickly and easily. all too often i see conjurer noobs neglecting to use any magic and playing like a discount warrior

use leap instead of t jump since it’s much easier to recharge energy than stamina, throw in blasts and beams for poke, and switch to weapons for closer range

uhhhh and block parry dodge

as for pve just spam backdash blast and beam works against level 360 atlanteans and level 260 npcs


btw what variant of lightning (:

you dont play anything else i have seen no conjurer thats good at pvp

:skull: :skull: :skull:

blast and beam as a conjurer does pretty much no damage, i use magic but its pretty much useless apart from the leap

use stormcaller


blast and beam deal just as much damage as weapons wdym

bait used to be believable :frpensive:


I’m the opposite, I almost exclusively use my magic. Maybe it’s because I only have a 122 in weapons.


If i was you, i would replace all your enchants with tempered and replace scimitars of storm with a dagger of your choice. That’s what I use on my lightning conj and i would recommend being aggressive since lightning conj can attack fast while doing high DMG.

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listen to onion, he will shred you with beam and blasts with near-perfect aim.

also onion is it just me or is literally every conjurer a lightning one now, i can’t go 2 seconds without seeing one.

I used to have a poison conj, they turned into a poison warlock :thinking:

i’m flattered but my aim is far from perfect

almost every forumer conjurer i’ve met was a lightning conj but idk about overall

what about gear and armor stars, which do y’all think would be the best for me?