How was your first week on the forums?

there was like 10 topics total so not much happened


I immediately joined a topic about the enchantment system.

I still believe that getting any specific good sunken being a 1/64000 chance is not good and they absolutely did take over the entire market.

I canā€™t wait for enchantment scrolls.

Basic winnin

Math wrong, youā€™re doing 8x4x2000 (8 enchants, 4 Sunken items, 1/2k chance to get one) while the SS only has 3 enchants. So correct math be like (8x3x2000) + (3x2000), so the chance for a specific Sunken is 1/54000


Iā€™m kind of a new forum member, like last month ago? But I had a blast, was very fun, felt like I found my people.

Parris Island 8/10 fireants fucked up my legs but the chow and beds are heaven.

fr :muscle:

Made a topic in the introduce yourself part. And some magic Minecraft table came in and fulfilled my wish. Donā€™t remember his name. And it was mostly reading after that

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I was cringy.


my 2nd post got liked by vetex so i gotta say it was pretty good

I actually went over that in the topic.

first comment was me sharing a stupid idea with others back when i thought shadow magic was shitty (which, to be honest, didnā€™t stop me from using it)
i genuinely donā€™t remember anything else from my first week

How could you forget me?? I gave you a bed, and warm milk that probably tipped over because it was stationed on the bed!

You deserved that

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O here he is. And yes the milk did fall. It was sad

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You wanna know why a bit of the explosion is visible before you play the video? or why there isnā€™t a boom sound effect? or why the explosion cuts off? itā€™s because YOU DIDNā€™T APPRECIATE MY GIFT ENOUGH! YOU COULDNā€™T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO REMEMBER MY NAME! SO WHY SHOULD I BE BOTHERED WITH QUALITY??

I like taking things way too personally :grin:

Bro itā€™s been like 9 months. I ainā€™t omniscient.

oh yeah we used to have free cookies and pies and what not for the new forumers