How would other game characters do in AO?

the Red Mist

I don’t know who that is but I know that’s a SpongeBob creepypasta so when I hear that i’m going to think of the SpongeBob creepypasta

Ah, so it’s Poppy Playtime.


Stock is brainrotted disregard them

@Dudeman 's job :rage: !!!

he joined after me bruh :sob:

I’ve actually been doing this with a list of characters in media I enjoy, from characters one can see in AO (Like Jaime Lannister) to builds I feel like characters would do. (Allison from Breakfast Club being a shadow conjurer, for example.)

POV: Flynn taggart wakes up on dawn island, and decides that magic users are basically demons.

(Flynn taggart is the Doom Slayer’s real name)

90% percent sure this was a mistake now