Howdy, I'm back for a bit

Yello it’s me again, average forum user returning to the forbidden lands to indulge in some forum goodness again. Schools been settle a bit so we’re good on that end thankfully. Let’s see how long we can balance on this tightrope of schedules ya?

JEEZ that’s a lot of things to look at


320, good luck

A wild Bio appears

Go! School and Work!

Bio uses Return to Forum
1 turn until switchout.
School and Work uses Tight Schedule
It is super effective!!!
You Won!!!
Earned ¥330000000000099999999999999999999999999.
School and Work has gained 302xp
Your party has gained xp due to the xp share.

yall read everything in new?




read them mf

This is going to turn into one of those topics where forumers try to see who has the most unread


Welcome back Bio! Schools been okay so far for me too, hopefully no surprises come up

She’s back, hooray!

Please read all those unreads :sob:
They are lonely without you

Bro my brain could never, I am spiritually forced to open every single unread message or else i die or something

BIOO WAAAAA I MISSED U (complete sentence)

1 Like


nice number

0 unread 0 new :sleeper:


Dinovachi, the All-Seeing

welcome back.

Ok finished reading through all 300+ posts, Lots of fine art, writing and new peeps. Very cool :+1:
Feel kinda bad for necro bumping so many of them, but oh well

1 Like

it’s kind of crazy to me how there are SIX WHOLE MONTHS for a topic to die (almost as long as i’ve been active on the forums) and it just happens anyway

like there’ll be one with hundreds of posts and it’s closed and it’s just like, what the hell, how?

Sometimes you just have to let go, when a topic is truly forgotten it goes without a sound.
That’s why I like to keep a list of the ones I like