Vro it’s @Dudeman 's job !
Why don’t u do it
tbh, I saw wikian then was completely expecting fires in this topic
especially after some other posts
i don’t remember the forums being this territorial
i mean we shat on people who went on the wiki but like we weren’t outright cruel to them
or at least i wasn’t
i dunno what you guys were up to
Idk either
Its just some weird ass war I saw in a few previous topics
the fire in question (4 posts 2 of which were made by forumers)
Guys guys we could hold them for ransom >:)
deron sadly operates off of pure malice, so no interchange for you
also the screenshots fake
That’s all the proof we need for anything against deron
stock got annoying and he has now fucked up the reputation of the entire wiki here
hold what for ransom
20 bucks
Forums don’t seem that bad or toxic, you guys seem chill.
Yeah the wiki just hates us for some reason I honestly don’t know why
The real forums:
didn’t one of y’all go on to the wiki and make a post trying to prove the forums “superior”
No, I have absolutely no idea who could’ve possibly done that :3