I gank freshie killers for fun

Its for the greater good

no, we must exterminate all of them
(but still, imagine lv.1000s pulsaring 5 lv.50s)

wont happen cause pvp level cap has always been half of the maximum level cap and by the time we get to level 1k it’ll def be 500+

Once levels get that high he might consider pulling an AR and instead of making it a global requirement just make it so anyone over double your level can’t hit you
Because having to get to 500 just to pvp is dumb

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fight fire with fire

Rking rkers sounds interesting!


Church of murder

I am back from my break so now i can actually go back to freshie killer hunting

we should just fuck with this guy for the entirety of AO

:nod: (9 characters)

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should I make a thread dedicated to hunting and ganking this 1 person with single digit IQ

Not sure if it counts as harassment but he is an :explosion_magic: :ash_magic: mage who freshie kills so I think it’s fine.

Bruh explosion and ash mages are decent challenge to fight unless you get caught in their reality destroying explosion that spans the whole war seas.

exactly why they must be ganked into oblivion

I only do it if it’s justified
Like self defense or if they sink my boat

Same with Iron Leg Warlords, metal mages that spam pulsar and mostly everybody who exploits meta.

Screenshot 2023-04-22 200206
(Their description is cringe too. Don’t believe me? Check yourself lol.)

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Go get them buddy


