Me trying not to copy and paste the I Have No Mouth hate copypasta for literally no reason:
Hrnjgw bt2 htq jtq hr1 htwngfrqmgr1jynht3.jtwnnnjt1 jt1 jt2.jt1.jt1.jt kt1 jt1 heq jt1
I51mu41jy3bgrvh4 u4mu2njt2mjr1.j
I love you all guys :3 I love and each and one of you and I love you I love you and I care and will listen if you ever want :3 take good care of yourselves guys
i hate you all guys >:( I hate and each and one of you and I hate you I hate you and I don’t care and will never listen whether you want or not T_T take bad care of yourselves guys