I hate wikians

I am sincerely sorry for those who have acquired any sort of PTSD during those harsh times

The AO community when someone uses a different site to be apart of the AO community

(I don’t know where to get the original video thingamajig so this is good enough)

fellas, is it bad to be anti racist?

Someone made a post about peacekeeper being south american, aren’t you gonna ban them too?

I don’t think that person said the peacekeeper looks like someone who eats livers but also uses a phone

you hate gypsies bruh :sob::sob::sob:
so called anti-racist europeans when i ask them what their grandfathers thought about the roma people in the 1940s and 50s

Someone simply made a guess on the nationality of the Peacekeeper (native american btw not south american learn the difference) based on history and the possible geographical location of the seven seas

He did NOT refer to them as “ooga booga” people or any other kind of derogatory term. You act as if people lashed out against stocksounds for no reason lol

that doesnt count, also not a race

theyre an ethnic group close enough :skull:
ill let you go for it cause the majority of the forums doesnt hate you tho :grin:

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the ones im on about are literally just english people who live in caravans and ruin whatever area they set up camp in, not really an ethnic group just a bunch of weirdos

We still have these opinions

Especially in the Balkans

wikian hate to racist europeans in 111 messages :fire:

I remember back when fucking daycare nurses told us stories about gypsies stealing the clothes they left outside to dry

If you want to unite people, you need a common enemy
-George Orwell


im fine if you say romanians

the common enemy: REDDITORS

you forgot the p

the classic threat balkan parents use: I will sell you to the gypsies!

those with balkan parents :skull: :skull:

those who know :skull: :skull:
(end me)

Some fellas who do not discuss on the wiki (if they did, not anymore) came on like “this person groomed a minor!!” And everyone’s like “who tf are you”