I like the fact that vetex is taking his time

To do the update. Its gonna be reeally good when released I think. A lot of dev don’t take their times to do updates and the game is full of bugged. Everything I see in developpement-updates channel on the discord, is really great.
I’m very hyped.
And you, you prefer a quick update or a update that takes time ?


As this man said


i was just about to say
“the funny miyamoto quote”


So bassicaly
He got a life?

I said I like the fact that he is taking his time, are you idiot ?



i none of those but the last one for i support those people

So you like the fact he got a life?

Are you stupid ?

Who doesn’t agree with him?

Just take as example cyberpunk, the game itself was released waaay before it should’ve and well
it has a terrible reputation
so the answer is, i like that the devs take their time to make everything balanced and good for everyone

And you are mad because a joke?

wasn’t that game delayed already? or am I just stupid

maybe you’re saying they didn’t spend enough time on it right?

Listen, instead of call people idiot in internet you should get a life like vetex
And use that life to get a brain to understand when people are kidding

Yeah, they had to delay it but the community forced them to rush it

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ah ok

Yeah coz the community are dickheads and complain about the bugs, which was their fault

This thread is full of G*mers :frpensive:

you’re just not funny kid.