I made the embodiment of racism and he is a twink

i was bored


lol thats just me but with blond hair (I’m a redhead)


ngl he looks like one punch from a “sea-scum” warlock would bruise his ribs and herniate the discs in his neck

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sees racist skyhallian

realizes i have the ability to easily kill thousands as a wood mage


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this feels like a 4chan post

kid Icarus reference

Shouldve not been assholes smh

proceeds to destroy the entire sky island, making every last trace of their culture totally ruined beyond recognition, simply because seadwellers are superior

I guess genocide isnt a very cash money move but this is like the 1700s everyone is a savage

I dont actually condone this kind of stuff, dont destroy civilizations guys

unless every single skyhalian is this insufferable then actually forget the stuff i said above and go wild

as a wood warlock i can agree

Seems like he would make a good villian

hey just wondering im new here how do you customize profile…

Click your pfp top right and go to preferences, then go to the profile tab in preferences.

noice thx

Ah yes. Racist sky twink. Wake up a certain blue haired blindfolded Asian mother called and she’s gonna yeet a sandal at the sky twink.

He is going to be melted.

Why is everyone trying to destroy skyhall they’re just based i’ll defend them

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Found the racist, gentlemen, kill and consume their body

if he had a slightly longer hair, would be feminine enough

wdym that’s just King Canute from Vinland Saga

we should make him fight revon to see who the superior twink is