I need help getting a guild to Rookie

Just that the mfs will gank whoever guild they see and the explosion user teamed me to a guild to hunt me down only to get -5’d by me

well, since flare says they’re literal dog water, lets try it

there is no inbetween.


Theres only one user being sky
That user you should just ignore as that user will reset and spams paper + runs while 4-blast ganking

Person left while sky got me to half health from ganking but then left after seeing the prescene of armadastrike so it failed HARD

I might’ve been able to beat them a while ago but I haven’t played in months and am now rusty

are one of their members called Saori?

Skylchy was the username
the l might’ve been a 1 or i

I have like 9 of their usernames on my KoS list :skull:

idk im just wondering, because I had a semi decent friend named saori who could only beat me with 15 and below ping, but when I bumped up to 20 i destroyed her

silent wyverns isnt an acquire divison then
or maybe their making it one(acquire)

They’re defo not acquire
its just some random active rookie guild with random users I have never seen before

well ill hit you guys up when im ready

Alright, I won’t be able to hop online in 6 hours however
If you have alternate accounts then that’ll be good and are max level in guilds (leader)

Oh yeah they most likely are around south whispering forest (Using slient tower to cut off the north/south)

and around summer/iron/river areas

Can confirm

idk about farming for the guild but i can help you kill the wyvern people

I love killing silent wyverns but this is not this topic’s aim, I’m here to ask if anyone can help me make this guild the best bank guild, ofc we will kill Silent Wyverns hundreds of times in the process tho

send discord here!!!

I really suck at making discord servers, someone else make it
