I’ve tested positive for COVID (Serious)

still. It’s fishe. Generally not the best person to side with unless he’s directly attacking you and you don’t care

Don’t worry, no matter what happens we’ll always be here, get well soon!

Plus, their response would have still been inappropriate even if it wasn’t covid.


anyways, uh.
T, I hope nothing bad happens to you since you’re a pretty dang cool guy
either way, make sure to keep in touch with doctors at all times since they likely know what’s best for you in most situations. It’s also pretty much the best thing to do since there isn’t really a known way to cure covid as of currently.

Oh and of course don’t spend too much time here, get some extra sleep, you’re going to need it. As well as water. Pretty sure you’ve heard this a million times before but yeah.

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I said it before and I’ll say it again:

I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned yet

Gosh how insensitive those responses were.


I know right? “Oh look, they have a potentially deadly disease.” “Now seems like a good time to make a joke at their expense!”


also whatever you do
if there’s a guide online trying to tell you to slather yourself in cow feces and that’ll cure you of covid or something like that
it’s a 99% chance that it’s straight up malarkey

I’m assuming that you’re relatively young, covid generally isn’t as lethal towards people around the 10-30 age range due to the fact that that’s where your immune system usually peaks, you’ll probably expect it to go away after a month or so if you’re lucky enough.

Stay indoors and stay away from elders or newborns as they have the weakest immune systems. Avoid contact with others and wash your hands all the time.
And I do mean all the time. Covid sticks to things like glue.


Hope you feel better,

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Remember to hydrate and get enough rest.

bruh, really?



who are you saying chad to, huh?

i mean there’s technically no stopping them, it’s the internet meaning anonymous
not saying I support them, but its just that you shouldn’t be surprised when you find people like 'em

Oh, I’m not, trust me. Just kind of funny when the other people clearly got punished for it and Imma do it again

Get well soon

(Also did people really get that fucking heated over someone saying “skill issue ez”? Calm down)

Get well soon (idk what else to say)