I’ve tested positive for COVID (Serious)

scroll up and read thats what it says

Wrong, moron. He replied later with an update, saying he tested positive.

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where is that?

Hit this little up arrow

ok thats good

idk why he hid it in a sea of replys instead of in the main post but idc

A 1.5% death rate may not seem like a lot, but it definitely is. The coronavirus is a VERY transmissible disease. Asymptomatic carriers can spread it to several people before even showing symptoms. Because of that, without quarantine, social distancing, masks, and other safety measures, there could be hundreds of millions of people infected. 1.5% of the US population is 5 million Americans that would die if everyone got infected. Also, there is more to keep in mind than just deaths. For every person that dies, there are a few people who go into critical condition and several people who are hospitalized. All in all, the coronavirus is undoubtedly something that should be taken seriously.

PS. the flu has a death rate of around 0.17%. That makes the coronavirus 10x deadlier with your number.


A simple post about a guy saying he had COVID turned into all of this, Jesus.