I want to read the things you guys would like to have in the arcane adventures remake

Basically, whenever you got an item it had a very low chance of being enchanted. This was the only way to get enchanted items

ok does sound mid af

Boobs for AO parity and remove character customization, force all players to play as juniper from the webcomic or a naked fuck with a stick

a finished game :pray:

nah L bozo

A skill tree with meaningful upgrades.


ok yba then ima make the game m1 focused >:)

Maybe add more to the story not just “kill boss” > “kill stronger boss”

Switch boss drops from like 1/200 to about 1/7

more agile bosses in general, a lot of them didnt move or barely moved

Oh and actually properly balance them, and don’t leave huge level gaps

Yes, make them a bit more mobile, but also consider giving them larger hurtboxes. Arcane Odyssey’s bosses are painful to try at hit sometimes due to their mobility.

Extremely mobile bosses with the same hurtbox as the player, not a fun thing to fight

add a make out emote

Same mobility as the player, either high damage or undodgable attacks, lots of HP.


i would argue these are more fun to fight when well done

BOTW-style climbing, being able to customize your spawn point