I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

Bro I swear these should become actual slang in-game it would be so useful

Ask awesome, he cool

Maybe, since it abuses the trade system then just maybe itā€™s restorable

ā€œIā€™m going to go commit irisicide to get the vermillion braceletā€

Vetex has trade logs
So likely

"alright fam, donā€™t get too iried away,

Wellā€¦ like

If they still all that shit
are the developers or mods able to re-vert back the data by like removing some of your saved data or not and that would easily make a full restore

God thatā€™s a good question why didnā€™t I think of that God damnit

Thank gd vetexgames has a trade log

Iā€™m not sure (Iā€™m not a dev), so I donā€™t know about that really, but I assume they have some sort of protective restore system maybe.

Kinda like a 24 hour reset
Everything you did in the past 24 hours will be deleted but items you removed/sold /traded will return to you but everything you gained disappears

I know they got some staff but the playerbase that has been affected is quite large so will they be able to handle it?

Just make it so every trade in the past 24 hours goes back (if thatā€™s possible)

Yeah, thatā€™s what I hope itā€™s like.

Honestly, this was already the most devastating day and exploit AO has already offerā€™d
nothing else beats it in the future as this is already heavy asf

Thank god I record everyday when I play AO

I mean, most games that are new like AO, could have a security hole in them that was over looked, which is what is exactly happening now

I swear after this is fixed hackers will find a way to take over ur character and ur account in one click fam :skull:

Already the most devastating day :sob:
Who wants to make a video about this t warn the underaged folks lol!

Oh and donā€™t forget about the fact that lord elius and Argos can be cheesed by spamming swords

Despite what you guys may think this is a pretty simple exploit that shouldnā€™t take much effort to patch