Ideas for Informational Diagrams

I am considering making a few informational diagrams for AO, covering topics that may get asked about a lot on the discord after release.

Does anyone have ideas for what they could cover?

diagram ideas I’m already planning on making: Stat builds(mentioning Vitality-Damage), Imbuing, Bounty Hunting (Rivals)

I made a quick mockup to give an idea of what I’m talking about here


“Imbuing magic and weapon/fighting style mixes their stats. Meaning the downsides of magic would be multiplied but so will the upsides.”
“Imbuing applies status effect of the magic on given weapon, while keeping the bleed(verify)”

Probably status effects and interactions of some magic/fs to give them an idea of how they’ll imbue and blend their build

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Dr.Archipelago has shared with me that there is already a diagram for bounty hunting, but not rivals (from vetex), and a build diagram (from the wiki team)

My current plan is:

  • Imbuement
    - Builds that can do it
    - How it affects stats
    - How it affects status effects
    - Helpful examples
  • Stat builds (How vitality affects damage, and
    - Categories (Pure, Hybird, Savant) and why you should go for each
    - Damage Types (Magic, Weapons, Strength) and their specialisations
    - How Vitality affects damage
  • Rivals
    - How a rival is made
    - How they change over time
    - Rewards from beating them

Could do:

  • Cooking/Potions
  • Ships
  • Dark Sea Expeditions

Maybe one for all the different types of chests in the game, as well as sealed chests and treasure charts?


Are you speaking in crack cocaine

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I speak in lorem ipsum

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Progress Update:

looking good so far

just a small nitpick though… a bit too much text. no new player is gonna read all this imo

Cooking, sea activities (sealed chests and stuff), potions when those come out, dark sea expeditions when those get fleshed out, oh and treasure charts

those are all things that I feel will confuse new players.

you mentioned like 3/4 of these things… the virtues of scrolling down lol.

perhaps if these had a voice put to them? That’d help alleviate Hat’s issue. I’m willing to do that if you think that’s a good idea. Like just put a link at the top of them that leads to a read through on youtube or smth put together a playlist name it Arcane Academy or smth

A voice-over would be good, I would really appreciate it. I’ve tried to slim down the text and incorporate the colour coding. The text for these are pretty much final, I want to try and improve the visuals before making any more.


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