If every banned user was suddenly unbanned and active, how screwed would the community be?

Alot of the really chaotic users that were banned were before my time. The (big) ones that happened during the last year:
User4 (Although I don’t think they are technically banned): That would be chaos.
The suncry incident people: Depends which people specifically, but they wouldn’t cause any drama that I would care about
Ezia: Leave him banned. He deserves a better life than what was dictated by his personality on a lego game forum.
Criminal: Bro accidentally clicked on the wrong website

apocalypse bringer personified

poor dude, but yeah I think the guy might need some time off the internet

this guy just encompasses “oh my god shut the fuck up nobody cares” so well

Ghost might start something but box would be fine

nah bruh do not fucking unban ghost that dude is trouble

mrnormalbox was kinda midass but okay fine I’d tolerate him

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Fourmers still don’t know that someone can’t argue with you and derail a topic if you don’t reply to them :exploding_head:

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okay but still

that guy was a shit stirrer

Most of those arguments were started by you :exploding_head::exploding_head:

bruh no they were not

he always baited me

what did he do

I wasn’t around when he was active, but scrolling through his history, the dude was just… a massive fucking asshole

I see.

i thought he was banned indefinite.


No and we know why

Wait, what happened


dawg he posted some down bad shit

like he’s probably not as bad as some other banned forumers but you shouldn’t sympathize with him either




i want to see what people think what else would happen with newly banned users

Banana would return but thats happening anyway next month

and then we’d all be happy again

kinda wish key is doing better

man was geniunely not in the best mental state shortly before his ban