If there was a physical limited edition of AO, what would it have?

Honey, there was worse here. Got a screenshot of it on my phone before a mod deleted it (thank FUCK).

Anyway seeing a minifigure of somebody in a full Sunken Iron/Warrior outfit would be nice

I kind of like this idea. I would’ve preferred a physical booklet, but I’ll take anything.

Also for some reason this is giving me severe flashbacks to the pre-order bonus for Sonic Lost World.

given how AO is it’d probably be either a ship (core mechanic) or probably some weapon like how Elden Ring’s handed out things like that. getting an Eagle’s Patrimony with your game if you pre-order would be cool imo

I regret visiting this topic. However, I at least now have something to do tomorrow.

And by that, I mean someone to murder.

I for one would love a sunken sword

I mean… remember how she survived in water…? By drinking the seawater…?

Ultimate Art: Last Load Lash!


please do not type a message here ever again

“July 16th, My mental health continues to deteriorate. The constant barrage of crippling self-doubt and hateful thoughts is beyond my tolerance, yet none of them bears a candle to what the AO forum had. Degenerates of all kinds roam these echoing halls filled with hopeless screams of the few remaining tormented.

Powerless in the hellish pit of one’s own making, fated to suffer the consequences of my sins for eternity. Chains wound the flesh, and wounds would be scars. These scars are like muscle on the outside; they make me stronger against the shackles of mortal principles. The forum is a breeding ground for debauchery of all kinds, masked under a false veil of arts and memes. It corrupts even the holiest of souls and brings out the worst of all.

Even worse, I was outbuddied.”


Everyone in this thread will die.

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(post not deleted by author)

Actually forget anything I thought of for a limited edition of AO

all I want is a white eyes plush and an oddly Revon-shaped voodoo doll

I don’t think there would be enough space for an art book physically thats why

I want Morden in there

Eh, depends on if it’s coming in a big box or is just a fancier version of the basic game case.

Now that I think about it, are there any Collector’s Editions that are just the standard case with some extra flair?

Such is an inevitability. However, certain people here will be dying a lot sooner than the rest of us.

I don’t get it, why and what’s wrong with putting a character in a jar.

didnt know i had opps

I’m genuinely clueless asf, is there some innuendo?

it is not good
dont look it up

putting a figurine in a jar increase their deterioration and releases toxic fumes :+1: