If WoM Guilds turned into IRL girls, who would you date and why

my guild is pretty kinky in the general, id date my own guild

bruh moment

Well, that’s not fair. Acquire would be a great woman :frowning:

apparently not great enough for you to leave karma
unloyal smh

WHAT?!? I never said that… we would just be friends :roll_eyes:

Alright, I don’t know much about guilds but I will go over my options. Going to pick based off of their logo, description, and guild name.

First a quick rundown on my choices.


I feel like SunCry would be a blonde girl who preaches about peace but secretly has a superiority complex and is also a hardcore sadist. Looks I see her as rather beautiful. I’d say she’s ideal for short term but after dating her for a month she’ll try to get me to murder someone. She’ll rule with an iron fist and while I like a woman with her own mind I don’t like one that is going to force me to kill a man.

Syndicate/Void Woken

Literally killed themselves, it’s just a corpse


Know nothing about them. Not a single thing. Going off of their image I imagine this girl has glasses and is that one girl in the group who plays D&D. Her name implies greed, at least to me, so that could be some concern. Perhaps she uses her looks to win over nerds but overtime they’ve grown on her. Again, know nothing about her and going mostly off of looks.

Spell Breakers

I imagine they wear a choke collar. Personality wise they’re narcissistic and rebellious, similar to SunCry but with more bark and less bite. I can imagine them secretly being jealous of SunCry for being superior to them but still actively targeting anyone and everyone under them like they’re the top dog.


Nicest girl in the room. Rose gold eyes, very attractive, and a nice community member. She comes from a rich family is is a bit dense when it comes to the wealth of some stuff. She’ll tip waiters 2,000$ for getting her water. But not only is she nice and attractive, she’s also chill. Really her only flaw is that she will treat you like everyone else. She’ll treat you like her worse enemy and her own parents because she’s just that nice. Good contender for a date. Just learned she like to talk a lot.


Doesn’t give a fuck about anything. She stays out of everyone’s business. I imagine she has long black hair and wears sweaters. She’s just really distant with people.


SunCry’s younger sister. Almost exactly like her, a bit less SunCry and a little more anything else, but still close enough to see the resemblance. Honestly I imagine this one as a loli, so, to keep the FBI away this is bottom tier date material.

Eyes of Chaos

The edgiest girl of the bunch. I literally have nothing else to go off of, she won’t talk to me. I imagine she is toxic though.

Eternal Guardians

She has this mental disorder, called “Pokemon Syndrome”, that makes her repeat her name over and over again. It’s real bad, but she is cute.

With all that being said I’d date Apocalypse Bringer

thanks for reading

God you get me :sob: you really get me, it could have been more explicit but it’s beautiful.

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I stopped caring about detail half way through writing, hella tired rn.

NONO It was beautiful, no changes necessary! please!

Not even knowing the slightest bit about our community and still being able to grasp our core features, wonderful!

ong sameeeee

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noble would force me to conceed to her will and thats lowkey hot (as long as she pretty otherwise thats kinda creepy)

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Uhh, this is a very bizarre question.

I would date azure because vetex is like a father figure to me and I’ve always wanted to date my father for a while now.

I want Suncry to step on me.

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The most dominant

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Im going to choose apocalypse bringer just to piss you off, if crash magic dosent work out lmao. i will also steal your sword

no Apocalypse Bringer is all I have. She’s muh babie. Go with Crash Magic, or Death, or literally anything else.

So this is where you go when you need to release your horny