Roselight tho.
I knew the top one there was Suncry about to literally annihilate Roselight.
bonus: roselight chan turns into a literal m202
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he do be firing infamy rockets tho
This is amazing. Respect for the M202, I feel good
So that’s why Roselight is that high on the leaderboard.
go outside bro
ily. mwah
imagine being so disgusting that power tellin you to go outside and stop dreaming about sexing roblox guild women
your mom
your mom
Alright then
if you held me at gunpoint to choose one i’d probably say travelots
so realistically none
yea most guilds fucking suck in general imo
whenever i hear someone talk about a certain guild in the forums it’s literally always negative
Lol rip.
how da fuck do topics like this last this long