If you could get one WOM/AO magic irl which one would you get?

life magic or healing magic
then i can not only become a great doctor and become rich, i dont have to worry about death

Damn it

you REALLY underestimated the shit the US military can do with it’s absurd budget, and huge lack of morals, they don’t give a shit how old you are or that you’re a person

I’ll fucking vaporize them

have you heard of incarceration

I’ll vaporize it

(you need to have your body parts free to cast magic)

Just one arm or leg

both arms are tied behind your back and your legs are tied to the chair

also your vaporizing magic aint gonna do shit against all the stuff the us army has

I have nuke magic what the fuck they gonna do

Nuke you back

I already ultimate art nuked them before they had the chance

(the US military has bases around a fuckton of countries that would also declare war on you)

Then won’t you die of radiation?

they could just remove your arms…

I’ll use apocalypse bringer to bring the apocalypse ggez no re

you forget your still human
what are you gonna do if someone snipes you from a distance?

They could still nuke you

to the head.

Not if they’re dead