If you could have any job in the entire world, what would it be?

“wel um acktchschually that’s inchorreckt bechuze I could kreate a bchlack hole and not even light chan eschcape it” :nerd::face_with_monocle:

“well um akshuturally I can move faster than light”

“well uhm actkyally”

as an object with mass, no you cannot

oh if that’s an option then same, telekinesis and permanent metal focus fr

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Okay, BUT:

What if I simply run up to Sandal before they can think to use their powers at all and snap their neck?

teen superhero gang on the house fr

“well uhm actkchtually I can jhust always have shadow embodiment based abilities and be immune to physickhal attachks” :nerd: :nerd:

but the mental focus and telekinesis combo is extremely op and i can do shit like matter manipulation

But if I run up to you faster than a single neuron in your brain can fire, then wouldn’t that be impossible for you to do?

if I had shadow embodiment on for like a week prior to this, I don’t think I would care.

slipper is not a person, it is a weapon of mass destruction, torment, and most notably punishment. you cannot escape its wrath

mexican mothers and asian mothers team up: death

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literally a pantheon of tiger moms from all cultures ongod

the one force stronger than the strongest of armies

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a single mother is enough to level the armada of an empire

slipper does not care, slipper is focused on ensuring one thing
your end.


I would know because my mom was single for a while

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no man was worthy

they hid in fear of her power