If you could take an aspect from the Arcane lore/universe and apply it to real life, what would you apply?

The entire world but all seas have Fifth sea technology level, even first sea.

Would today technology still exist? The government can go all out and monitor everywhere if they aren’t already. Even though there are high power wizards, I assume most people would just be able to produce a blast the size of a car wheel at most too. Not enough to cause global threat.

No human useable magic, but we can make potions and dunk shit into potions to make it better.

2 High level magic users ended up lifting a literal chunk of the earth. Considering the AA universe has less than 7 billion people, i’m pretty sure there’ll be much much more high level magic users.

I personally would choose fighting styles. I’d take lessons for it over martial arts any day.

Two unknowns fighting would permantely damage the solar system

Only if it’s the stronger unknowns.

True, but you have to consider that the weaker ones are miles ahead of Cursebeard. Not to mention they’re litteraly gods.

Yes, the weaker ones are miles ahead of Cursebeard… But Cursebeard killed Prometheus who was stronger than Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades(All unknowns at points of time). Plot holes are weird.

According to tech he killed them using a certain method that will apparently be revealed in AO?

ik, doesn’t really explain it though.

To sum it up Cursebeard was weaker than them but the secret method he used killed them.

Ik but that doesn’t explain it because it blurs the definition of “strength.” If he was able to kill him using some kind of method i’d count it as fair game when it comes to “strength.”

Again, he didn’t exactly use his strength against or he’d be stronger, he found out some way to kill them all with something else. Maybe Aurem? We’ll never know.

Until AO of course

If I learn Karate and weigh like 100 pounds or some shit and beat someone in a far different weight bracket using Karate, who was “stronger?”

Or in a cowboy duel, if I drew the gun first, am I stronger?

Well those are completely different examples relating to the subject

Even if Cursebeard “pulled out his gun first” he wouldn’t be able to kill them

if i wear cool jewellery then i can get buffer

You said he used a technique, I gave an example of a irl technique, at what point do you consider a technique as “not strength.” Prometheus used aurem to gain his power and people still considered it his “strength.” If I use a gun against James Bond’s fists then you could say i’m stronger because I killed him or i’m weaker because the odds were agaisnt him.

Are 2 or more genocides, accidents, potential Earth dying worth it to get yourself that cool magic you always dream off?

Yeah ok sure