guys please stop the bait is so obvious (and if not bait, too delusional to argue against anyway)
I’m not saying they won’t be worse, they may as well be for all i know or they might not be, but you’re the one who’s acting so sure about it
ignore him !! the master at baiting must continue
is this you?
no i do legit think there should be more weapons over spirit shit
just get good
at what exactly
i cant wait for spirit weapons to come out
walks up to calvus
read mf *smack*
500! 500! 500! *death*
yes, knowledge is very powerful against calvus
L because you lost the vote + spirit weapons will have magic move properties as well
Great idea!
what book would deal the most damage to each of the bosses do ya think
Revon would be hit hardest by the Book of Facts.
iris would probably like fahrenheit 451
hi rb1
hi rb1
hi rb1
omg rb1 hai!!! im such a big fan (who is this random)