If you were to choose any sea curse(You can create your own or an exist one)

made solely of elements named exactly “nonmetals”

Why does everybody think I think diamond is a metal?

because you were talking with mr metal maybe

what if you had a singularity or whatever tier metal magic arcanium weapon though and then coated that with more metal magic

also doesn’t this count as imbuing, perhaps even more so since the magic is coursing through it instead of just layered on top of it?

Pretty sure you can, take the triasta of bronze as an example of an arcanium weapon. You can be a conj and imbue the already aether imbued trista with another magic.
So you probably can have a metal imbued arcanium weapon as base and imbue it with more metal, so you can have more metal per metal.

Scorch curse cuz boom and green fire

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you were talking about metal and asked hyperspace whether hed choose frostmetal or diamond :sob:

One is functionally similar to metal magic, the other is actual metal.

Yeah but then that’s just metal-like metal instead of metal ON metal

The Zeusian Omega Olympian Lightning Curse.

The lightning curse, except it’s zeusian.

blaze curse
plin plin plon sunlight spear

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creative mode curse im in minecraft creative mode but ao style

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That’s called exploiting, except it’s not allowed

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scorch curse!!! peak!!!

Great idea

Deep dive explaination, great

The most powerful person in ao

metal like metal is a crazy statment

Of course, the mud curse.

I shall take it from you.