I'll call them heirloom for now

I'll call them heirloom for now https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/0/606b5caccd5acf987b993ff39d0ae27261a84ebf.png
effort 4.444444444444445 9 quality 4.444444444444445 9 reasonability 4.222222222222222 9

Just for the sake of parity. They should not be designed to be meta, so if someone should be expected to use one, it is a good sign that it needs balancing and fine-tuning

Tho i see how this could be a problem since drip is an important part of the game

Also, this is not a suggestion for one item, rather for a type of item… I dont know if i made that clear

The main problem that I have with this idea is that you cannot hide relics by vanity, this mainly only concerns me because I’m overly involved in editing my looks, but if a relic affected my vanity, I would use them much less than normal.

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Okay, two comments agains the idea of not being able to hide vanity, i’ll remove it fromthe idea

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Seems unnecessary given some of the planned spell scrolls

This is just flavor text
I dont care about this items, they’re here to represent what Heirlooms should do.

  • A ring type item that changes blocking, draining your energy to generate a shield of your magic (or spirit energy, draining life as well) in the direction you’re looking. The shield has a reasonable area, making it possible for you to block for your allies as well. (So a tank related heirloom)

  • A pair of boots (leg slot) that change your dash (not dodge reflex), reducing its distance but making it so you dash in the direction you’re looking, allowing you to dash upwards at an angle.

  • An empty quiver (back item) that changes your magic m1. M1 now creates a bow and changes the projectile to arrows. This significantly reduces the cast rate of m1, but increases the range of them (this is clearly a mage’s item, but it only has a level req, not a stats req)

  • A sheath (waist item) that changes Weapon Draw skills. They now have a longer startup, but charging the skill (holding the key) gives it an increase in area/distance.

  • A scarf (neck item) that changes charging. Charging now drains your hunger to boost your natural regeneration. You cant eat uncooked foods anymore.

None of them are particularly gamebreaking imo, they just change something about the main mechanics enough to make it worth a try

What do spell scrolls have to do with this? Genuine question

It would make buildmaking much more fun if new armors sets gave unique effects along with stats instead of only stats, but I don’t think an entirely new type of armor is warranted.

The thing with armor set is that it wouldn’t change much

Like, if you’re using king calvus armor, you’re most likely already using the whole set. So it wouldnjust make what’s powerful, more powerful while punishing people for experimenting

cant those new “stats” be added by jewels, or literally new stats entirely like regen, armor piercing and resistance
anyway rant about the slightly confusing writing

idk if thats just me but the fact you start each bullet point with 1st, 2nd, 3rd… it just makes it sounds like each of these is a different tier of heirloom, especially when it starts by saying that the 1st heirloom is a tier above legendary. i may be stupid tho but i did have to reread that 2-3 times to get what this suggestion was actually trying to add (after all usually heirlooms are a thing, not just a tier)
tldr im dumb

Wym different stats? I’m not suggesting new stats at all…

you are suggesting specific mechanics for heirlooms-tier items which could be solved with new stats

My bad, the original post was “first, heirlooms are…” But i decided to proof read cause i thought it was too big… Gues that brought about more problems than solved them

They couldn’t? See the comment i made with the suggestions, i’m suggesting passives, not stats

passive are just more specific versions of stats
and anyway jewels got “passives” already if you really wanna talk about those

You’re not getting the point at all…
No jewel will fhange how your block work, or make your magic m1 different for example

necessarily all those passives need to apply to all players so its not possible to add a passive specifically for magic m1s
now changing blocks thats kinda vague, although sure a shield could probably do that such as reflecting. pretty sure the idea was already brought up

now the one point this suggestion has is that you can only wear one heirloom, which is not something that makes much sense for jewels or enchants or whatever. unless we make warship 2 for armor

Bro, i quoted the comment in the main post now, please check it

Also, yeah, a passive totally could be aimed towards a single class, see arcanium armor that is tailored towards mages

…well ok after actually seeing those examples it seems alright

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Thank you… The main idea is to have non stackable, singular passives that make the gameplay different. Not the playstile, the gameplay… I might have worded that poorly tho