Im getting too old

I was about 8ish when I first used discord too

Bro thereā€™s no way Iā€™m older than you and Rayhan :skull:

I mean I started using discord when I was 12 and just didnā€™t tell anybody about it but I was 13 when I joined the forums

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Fr so much underaged gigachads :skull:

Started using discord in 2017
meaning I wasā€¦
Iā€™ve see a lot of shit I shouldnā€™t have.


bottom text

I have not been groomed
so thatā€™s a good thing
but I was brought into a guild by a groomer
at the age of 11.

donā€™t see this out of context

i made my discord acc at 13 so i am legal

i think

no fucking way am i older than you

I joined when I was like 12 lol


Because so was a friend of mine


i feel old for joining the forums at 15 and joining discord at 13

I feel fucking old when I turned 13

Only one person in the forums knows my age.

underaged confirmed!!!1!!1!!!

@A_Name NOOOOOOOOO :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: 2/7

I knew before yall did haha i feel superior

I think how someone acts online has a lot more to do with online experience than age. I joined at 14. But, because I donā€™t use social media and this was one of the first online forums I joined, I didnā€™t understand any of the social norms and acted (and still probably act) kind of weird. I was definitely more out of place than a lot of 11yos here.

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