I'm gonna do unspeakable things to Maria (spoiler)

i dunno man with those tentacles i dont think youre gonna be the one doing unspeakable things

Isn’t that literally what we are

You’re tear her to pieces and feed her remains to shark?

Das nasty

I too wish to do unspeakable things to her, but not in that way at all. I mean in the violent fit of rage way cause I hate her fight

so like

on a scale of 1 to 10

how easy is it to gank her

Like 10 being calvus and 1 being shura, prob 7.5? More annoying than anything

Now that you mentioned it, do you think she would become an ally somewhere in the future or there will there be a second fight in Marauder Seas?

that second fight better not give meta drops

because shes kinda dead on my save

Imagine if she came back like Darth Maul after murking her

I don’t know man.
Me honestly? I don’t know what would i do with a dead body as my ally

wait it does ? how?

if you have the merciful trait you dont kill maria, if you have the ruthless trait, you kill her

oh so thats what the blusish “…” was

yeah exactly

I skinned her and wore her skin alongside her outfit so she can be finally be with me

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That is some Ed Gein action you doing

Mom come pick me up, I’m scared.

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what a sick joke