I'm looking for offers for some of my sunkens and boss items

its not. Strong SS is not valued that much that a Clean SS and a Hard SS are a good trade for it. I’d keep the CSS and HSS.

he traded a strong sunken sword for the hard and clean sunken sword

shouldve kept the hard ss and clean ss if you ask me

nah i need it so i can trade for headless

2 swords is more appealing then 1. Plus they were valued more

It literally is bro
Sss = roughly 1.9 clean ss
You think a hard ss is equal to 0.9 clean ss???
Nah bro youre 100% wrong on this one

A hard ss and a clean ss are not more appealing than a sss… sure if he was offering 2 clean ss or a swift ss + clean ss id agree. But this is a hard ss + clean ss offer we are talking about


its one of those relative trades where accepting or declining is dependant on your inventory and other factors, but value wise yeah he got a win. Me personally I’m not really sure if I would’ve accepted I mean it really just depends since maybe I can find a killer deal for either of those ss’s and some other factors, but yea na unless bettyboi’s inventory is a lot different to what I roughly think it is, it was worth doing in his situation. Also Imo 2 swords alway got more negotiation value than 1 strong one always, I keep seeing certain offers for certain sunken swords and have recieved some pretty litty ones, though unless its like 2 hard they always got more total negotiation value than sss in my eyes

tl;dr it was worth for bettyboi

defo disagree 1.7 at most

either way no chance you thinking a hard ss = 0.7 clean ss

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Bruh no 1.8-1.9
Either way like elment said a hard ss isnt worth 0.7 clean ss

If one of those swords is hard then thats only the case if youre trading with someone who doesnt know values. Because if they do know values they will simply accept the sss over a clean ss + hard ss unless they have alterior motives.

well, im a pretty decently big risk taker plus its probably due to the fact that i JUST got a sss recently and it’s my first time having one (so i dont know if people overpay often for it) thats making me unsure if id accept that trade if i were in the situation, as i have a fantastic history with swift and hard ss’s with turning them into bigger profit aswell as seeing great offers for hard ss’s in the marketplace in the past, but yea if i didnt have a sss already id probably more easily pick that over clean ss + hard ss

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1.7 clean ss = sss, just look at what i replied too smh

again not what i said

huh thats basically the same thing though, u were saying bettyboi shouldnt have done that trade and it was clean + hard ss for sss, then nuc said a strong ss = roughly 1.9 clean ss, then you said you disagree and that its 1.7 instead, and a clean ss = well 1 clean ss obviously so that leaves 0.7 out of the 1.7 for the sss and one item left being hard ss, implying that you think a hard ss is at least 0.7 ss

if theres an error in this please do point it out cuz im lost if there is

bro im disagreeing with you, I said a SSS is worth at most 1.7 clean sunken swords. I believe that Clean SS + Hard SS are too much for a SSS

yea and we’re saying it’s too little, especially taking into consideration the fact that a hard ss defo =/= at least 0.7 clean ss’s

I know?? bro what are you going on about. I’m not saying that why are you repeating it.

broo this is so confusing how is a clean ss + hard ss too much for a strong ss then, is your reasoning simply that its 2 sunken swords for 1 sunken sword or is there more to it?

I think what theyre saying is if a sss is 1.7 cleans and a clean = 1 then why is 1 clean and 1 hard overpay unless you believe that the clean and the hard together has a value greater than 1.7 in which case the only way that would be is if the hard is 0.7 at least