I'm scared

Pretty sure rare spells will be on release

You gank them before they gank the boss

that benefits me because most people will go weapons, and it’s not like I have to spend 5 hours to get used to like 2 moves. I can probably get used to it in a hour

I will massacre all the filthy casuals and make them go back to the paranoid wom era

It’s a magic dash that’s replacing hover as a base spell, the grab will be a rare/lost spell that may or may not come on release

Def coming on release

Not every lost and rare spell will be in game by release

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Then join one of the many many small servers after waiting for 10 minutes.

You probably won’t starve fast enough to NOT be able to find one. This is a non issue. 18 people won’t be able to get fruits from the 40+ islands in the game.

They respawn in the same place. So just spawnkill with the people farming him.

Same as above. Non issue

Then grind for items. Bosses respawn in the same place and I doubt vetex plans on making treasure charts rare.

Fight back dumbass.
90% of the people coming to AO will be from games that require little to no skill. They will be ABSOLUTE dogshit I guarantee. Pvp in AR for just a week and you’ll be able to keep those fodder from killing you. Most of the people who’ll dominate the leaderboards won’t give a shit to kill you.

Then get to training if you’re worried about it so much.

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This is why I plan on avoiding this forum and all media when AO comes for a while.

stop worrying about minute details and play the game as normal you nerd

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just play the game and get gud ez
also prolly the new players are dogshit at arcane games

Most players(old WOM players) already have their character so re-create it wont take long. Of course, there will be a ton of noobies who will stick to magic while being a savant, but most players are from WOM so they know how stuff works.

Fish is food too + There are a lot of big islands so you wont have problem + Food crates.

If you cant fight them, join them

Uuhh no? Chest items are chest items, they are not unique. Meta-slaves will 100% going for boss gear and other rare stuff, not smth as common as chest drop.

  1. The Fame resets exist on Silverhold and Criminal island. 2. People will only hunt big boys. 3. There are a lot of ways to get galleons: Boss farming, fishing, selling stuff, quests etc.

It will be always because it will constantly shift, so i would’nt recomend anyone even care about world-leaderboard and only care about your rival.

On top of this there’s a lot of new ways to get chest loot, plus more

Level 30 minimum (60 points in magic), and it’s been stated that they will add more variability than they will strength, not to say some lost spells won’t be strong.

for the pvp stuff, seriously a baseline pvp skill will probably be all that you really need for the start to survive and not get ganked early after release. Just get… sorta good

I believe said he wants atleast five but we can see since the qna some plans have changed

Good luck I really don’t want tutorials on how to get stuff in the game for the first few weeks

i’m shit at pvp but i guarantee that i could beat the fuck out of most of the new players

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