Imagine a warlord, if you will

but it would use their magic circles like this with beam type spells

and then when they miss they would just redirect the spell like this…

not a suggestion, I just thought it would be cool if I draw it eventually when I have better perspective skills

Ima assume you mean Warlock, that would be pretty baller though

ah yes warlord, my favorite magic using class

warlord magic circles are the coolest

Arent warlords just sword and strenght mains?

congrats you understood the joke :clap:

I thought they were strong

the joke is that warlords cant use magic circles. the poster mispelled warlock

Oh, warlock is better than warlord because he can use magic

no its because they are saying “what if warlord could summon punches from their magic circles” which would be warlock, but they misspelled it and said warlord, which cant use magic circles instead