Imagine when Nilah will realize

I am sure that Grand Navy will eventually tell Empress Nilah that mercs that visited her and offered help with war, actually were terrorists who destroyed whole fort in attempt to spy and killed Bronze sea’s ruler placing Sameria under threat of a new war.

I feel like we are going to experience another eternal mines arc in Sameria. Or get thrown into the worst battles of the new war to get rid of us.

Or plot twist: She will be happy with us taking down competitor and won’t do a shit about it. Sounds strange due to the threat of war, but who knows?

By the way, GN is related to Order of Aezir in some way, so they could shut up to avoid us being captured by wrong people and instead send their own forces to do that.

There are a lot of possible outcomes, tell me what do you think about all this situation.

if that happens, we’ll just kill her too! :3


The Grand Navy may have Order members within its ranks, but i assure you its unlikely for it to be entirely under their command.
The only person so far in the Navy we have to suspect is Kai, and only because of some of his death dialouge.

The Bronze Sea’s navy might be controlled by the Order through Kai as a sort of puppet, not just because they helped identify us to Ravenna but one guy at sailors lodge mentions that the Navy is yet to take action against Jorund and the Jaw Pirates and there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that he’s the second Baron.

Solid reminder that his command can also be overruled practically whenever, theres 3 ranks higher than his and the King Admiral ontop of that.

Who wants to overthrow Silverhold and reinstate the Admiralty?

Theres also the fact that the GN suspiciously said that they didnt see any ships pass the area (when Iris was looking into the Order ships), even though they are literally in the perfect position to spot them, as Morden literally saw them from Palo Town (which is literally next to Silverhold)

I think that is the biggest red flag for me.

Theres several factors that could have prevented them from seeing it.
We don’t know what the weather is like, so it could have (in lore) been foggy/stormy weather, and night time ontop of that.

But the fact that Iris said it was wierd should be enough of an indicator that it shouldnt be the case under these circumstances

And if the weather was rough or not visible at night, Morden shouldnt have seen them.

“Oh no! Some guy from Azura got kidnapped?
Who could have done that. I sure didn’t see no ships past here.”
– John Doe The Blind, Navy Major.

Do people just not know that government officials can just be corrupt?
Bribery is always an option…
Don’t really need to be in some secret organization hell-bent on gaining power to take bribes.

Lets go back to the fact that world someday will learn what actually happened in the castello. Question is - how Nilah will feel about it? How other people will feel about it? Actually Keraxe should reward us for doing that lol. We litteraly untied their arms.

funny thing is it might not even be that he’s in the order but that he’s in just kahoots with the assassin syndicate, what with the navy having seemingly never bothered to look at the random winter island directly behind the stepstones. the dialogue could be a literal red herring in regards to the order

You know… in regards to Ravenna and Sameria relations, theres an interesting detail I noticed for quite a while that might be connected…

Redwake is under Sameria’s protection, right? Something that always caught my attention is that the Chief has a clear resentment towards Ravenna. This was stated by an NPC in Redwake.

But he isnt the only one, Halfrid, the dude that was sent to Frostmill, also clearly has a distate for Ravenna, that appears to be why he he seems very relunctant here and why he wants to leave.

They mightve been signs that something was up with Ravenna, and I thought it might be related to Winterveil’s destruction. For a while, I thought it might be a hint towards Samaria’s beliefs towards Ravenna, only taking the treaty out of necessity or something, and that they knew about what happened to Winterveil. I mean, it was said that Winterveil was actually a powerful kingdom…

Of course, it doesnt seem that way right now… though I thought it might be that they thought that Calvus was different from his family knowing that he was behind the treaty that protected Sameria, and only the chief of Redwake knew the truth.

Thats why Neviro aint here. So that he wouldnt clear up the misunderstandings lmao

Regicide is our legacy in the War Seas (we dismantled every government we step foot on)

what are you, 5???

or its just some underlying corruption that has nothing to do with the order
kai’s affair with merlot maybe

well if the GN obviously is manipulated by the aesir, does that mean that the AS could also be under control since the AS and GN both have some kind of shrouded deal that keeps them from destroying each other? and could that deal be made by the aesir?

Palo Town is also under control of the Grand Navy. They definitely could’ve seen them.

assassin syndicate were tries to create tension between Ravenna and Sameria, but since player kill King Calvus (which make their task complete), they probably convince us to join the assassin (but if they’re already in it, they will promote you to better rank and make you kill other rulers in War Sea ) and happy to defend you from the people who willing to reveal that you’re the murder of King Calvus.