Imbuing Potion Types

im going to make it have tiers

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bro’s boutta will them into existence

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Wotan is seething knowing his entire kingdom is in ruins because some literal cripple powered by sheer will and a bunch of bullshit he shoved into a water bottle got pissy.


shut up im going to break the game and have all status effects on me, no one is ready :scream: :sob: :100:

boutta make the bloodline have a steep stop

A post was merged into an existing topic: Reminders for AO (Part 3)

his name has to be walter white
(unfunny joke smite me)

first quest added ever since release btw

I feel like you’re the sole reason we will never get a crystal potion

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its not me who made the unfunny breaking sad jokes, its the thousands of walter whites in ao

already tried and its basically a nerfed freeze (the moment you get unpetrified, the attacker’s screen will have u tp instead of being where u were)

the frostmill-palo cargo quest

wasnt that always there or am i tripping

Okay thanks for making me feel a little better, guys.

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that happens with freeze too
but think about the 20% damage boost + petrify :star_struck:

oh my god you just made me remember what the real metamancers would use

you lot are on something else with your predictions on the meta gel combo.

it’s not “pulsar + x”

it’s pulsar + gale

like, have you ever been hit by a wind pulsar? Now imagine that, but on any pulsar, like metal or magma


wind pular + gale + intensity and some sort of other thing
new war seas travel

I have prenerf, safe to say my least favorite pulsar